Love. Engagement. Wedding. Marriage.

Rachel & Nathan
Rachel and Nathan knew each other a little over two years before they started dating. Then, God opened Nathan's eyes to the incredible woman that Rachel is and he pursued her with a strong, honorable, servant's heart. He even bought a shovel to clear her sidewalk and driveway so she and her roommate (both from Texas) could get to work the next morning. She loved his heart and the rest is history! They were married 10 months later. Engaged in the wedding dress shop (after Nathan jumped out of a gorgeous handmade treasure chest) and then a fun engagement session in Twin Lakes and Aspen, Colorado. Then, a classy ranch wedding in Larkspur. Enduring love!

Christa & Matt
Christa and Matt were married in Woodland Park, Colorado. They met while working in the emergency department at a local hospital. She is a nurse. He is an EMT. They had a sweet, simple ceremony and just the two of them for their wedding photos (after the family pics, of course!) and beautiful, heartwarming vows in front of friends and family. It was an honor to attend their beautiful wedding.

Heading to the alter.

Cutting the cake as a newlywed couple!

Karyn & Andy
Karyn and Andy were married in Genesee, Colorado, in the beautiful woods in the Rocky Mountains. Their outdoor ceremony was held in perfect weather, tucked into the forest. It was a beautiful day to witness two people uniting in marriage.

Wanting something low-key, intimate, private, quiet, and with little fuss, Kindy and Lincoln were married in a judge's chamber downtown Colorado Springs. We went to the Pioneer Museum to take some more photos. Simple. Beautiful. Elegant. Love these photo shoots that are just me, the couple, and their new marriage.

Wanting something low-key, intimate, private, quiet, and with little fuss, Kindy and Lincoln were married in a judge's chamber downtown Colorado Springs. We went to the Pioneer Museum to take some more photos. Simple. Beautiful. Elegant. Love these photo shoots that are just me, the couple, and their new marriage.

Wanting something low-key, intimate, private, quiet, and with little fuss, Kindy and Lincoln were married in a judge's chamber downtown Colorado Springs. We went to the Pioneer Museum to take some more photos. Simple. Beautiful. Elegant. Love these photo shoots that are just me, the couple, and their new marriage.

Wanting something low-key, intimate, private, quiet, and with little fuss, Kindy and Lincoln were married in a judge's chamber downtown Colorado Springs. We went to the Pioneer Museum to take some more photos. Simple. Beautiful. Elegant. Love these photo shoots that are just me, the couple, and their new marriage.
Kindy & Lincoln
Kindy and Lincoln had a beautiful, intimate, courtroom wedding. They wanted something casual and low-key. White tops, blue jeans, sweet boots, and red high-heels. Just the two of them. Simple. Intimate. Sweet. What a fun day for a downtown wedding!